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We Bring Life To Your WebSite!

ZandaNet is an online resource for companies interested in web technology & advertising. 

There are as many different kinds of web design companies as there are people with something to say. Some are devoted to design tips or outsourcing advice. Others discuss hosting, hits, firewalls, or security

There are web designers that include services for redirection and development techniques & software that can simply collect emails

The possibilities are limitless. This site serves to service you the customer as a filter of this endless information & give you something chewable either as a do-it-yourselfer or as a webmaster conglomerate.

Let us do your surfing research for you.

E-us a topic question & .....

 we will add that to our Mailbag as fast as you can say ........abracadabra.



How to use ZandaNet Website:

Newbies: (if you don't know what that means read the blue stuff)

"Newbies" is an internet term for "Newbie"; which s an internet term for "New User".

Just click on anything blue! & you are off to a good start. If your mouse isn't exactly on the link a pop-up menu may appear. Relax! You are now an advanced clicker! Move your mouse inside the menu & pick a topic!  See! That was easy!  If you are stuck, click on the or the word "ZandaNet" and use the links at the bottom of this page to navigate in this site.

To create this Z-site, I just sat down and thought to myself: what do I like to read? The content comes from a variety of sources: some I've written myself, some has been written by friends, and some has been contributed by other Internet users just like you.

I hope you enjoy this site. Be sure to sign my guest book at the bottom of the screen or send e-mail to let me know what you think (or to contribute articles or ideas). I'll be updating frequently, so check back often!

"The operators of this site neither collect nor use any information from site visitors unless the visitor explicitly permits it."(see Privacy Policy Statement)



Topic of the Month: 


Organizing your website: 

The 1st thing to do is Categorize.(click here)


  E-us now with anything you need help with:
  Go to the Mailbag or contact us!