Slide Show

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Slide ShowArtists Numbers 1-11

Project 1


The slide show is a series of drawings that become a cartoon. Requirements:

Work in pairs;
The show needs to last 7-10 minutes long;
Use color & drawings both freehand & trace; 
Your main character can be traced for only one move;
Schedule use of the computer lab if necessary;
Ask your teacher for the samples to see in class;
Plan your idea then present it to your team leader for approval within 2 weeks;
Team Leader compile the plan into a clear concise 1 page report to the teacher for approval that same week;
Begin working immediately after approval;
Team leaders need to submit bi-weekly reports of each teams updates & activities;
Team leaders need to do the project too;


Make a series of A4 drawings
Photograph these drawings using "negativi" or "kaita" slide film; (check with the school about the kind of viewer we have 1st)
The important thing is that each drawing is not "drastically" different. There needs to be transitions showing movement of your characters, backgrounds, & captions;
For example, The 1st slide should show the title & the artists names; it could be a transition slide making the title appear than one name appear then the next; 
Write a script 1st so you know what your story is about; don't just have pictures; you need a story & captions; 
Make good use of the white space around your characters; Use color or patterns;
Make your main character simple like the Pink Panther so you can move his arms/legs/head to do what you want in the story;
Make sure you check with the team leader every week to make sure you are on track & that it makes sense & looks presentable to the school;
The projects are due for presentation to the class December Week 1.
Team leaders need to do the project too;
Your "artist" duties end the week before Christmas Vacation.

Then you become "Editors".



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Last updated: September 07, 2002.